Understanding the DUAL Table in SQL

Understanding the DUAL Table in SQL


  • Purpose: The DUAL table provides a way to execute SQL expressions and functions that do not require data from any table. It is particularly useful for selecting values or performing computations that are independent of the database schema.
  • Structure:
    • Column: The DUAL table has a single column named DUMMY (or sometimes DUMMY or similar in other systems) that contains a single row with a single value, typically ‘X’.

Key Characteristics

  • One Row and One Column:
    • The table has exactly one row and one column. In Oracle, the column is named DUMMY, and the row contains the value ‘X’.
  • Special Usage:
    • It’s used primarily for executing queries that require a table but don’t need to access any actual data. For example, you might use it to compute a value or call a function.
  • Built-in Functions:
    • It’s often used with SQL functions that need to return a result but don’t need any data from other tables, such as SYSDATE, USER, or mathematical functions.

Examples of Using the DUAL Table

  • Selecting a Constant Value

You can use DUAL to select a constant value: 

SELECT 'Hello, World!' AS greeting

In this query, ‘Hello, World!’ is selected and aliased as greeting.

  • Performing Calculations

You can perform arithmetic operations and return the result: 

SELECT 2 + 2 AS sum

This query returns 4 as the result of the addition.

Calling Functions

You can call SQL functions and get their results: 

SELECT SYSDATE AS current_date

This returns the current system date and time.

Using Built-in Functions

For instance, to get the current user or database: 

SELECT USER AS current_user

Generating Sequences

You can use DUAL in conjunction with sequences to generate a sequence number: 

SELECT sequence_name.NEXTVAL AS next_value

Here, sequence_name.NEXTVAL gets the next value from a sequence.

Considerations in Other SQL Databases

Oracle Database

In Oracle, DUAL is a predefined table. It is an integral part of the Oracle system and is always present. It is often used in conjunction with SELECT statements that require a dummy table for syntactical reasons.

Other SQL Databases

  • MySQL: In MySQL, there is no DUAL table by default, but MySQL allows you to use SELECT without specifying a table. You can still use DUAL as a table name if needed, but it’s not required:
  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL does not require DUAL and allows direct queries without it. You can use:
  • SQL Server: SQL Server also does not have a DUAL table and allows direct queries:

DB2 and Other Databases

In databases like IBM DB2, DUAL is used similarly to Oracle, providing a way to execute queries that don’t require access to user tables.


The DUAL table is a useful construct in SQL, primarily within Oracle databases, for running queries and calculations that do not rely on data from actual tables. Its primary use is to facilitate expressions, function calls, and computations in a way that satisfies the SQL syntax requirements when no other table is necessary.

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